








  • 支持ControlNet和Inpainting Model:增强了图像生成的控制能力和修复能力。
  • Kolors-IP-Adapter-Plus:引入了新的权重和推理代码,进一步提升了模型的性能。
  • 支持Diffusers和ComfyUI:扩展了模型的兼容性和易用性,使其能够在更多平台和工具中使用。



  • 个性化头像生成:用户可以通过可图大模型生成各种风格的个性化头像,适用于社交媒体平台的个人展示。
  • 创意图像生成:创作者可以利用可图大模型生成高质量的图像,用于文章、博客、社交媒体帖子等内容创作,提升视觉吸引力。


  • AI试衣:可图大模型的AI试衣功能允许用户上传人物模特图和选定的衣服,生成自然美观的试穿效果。这一功能特别适用于电商平台,能够将线下试衣过程线上化,提升用户购物体验。
  • 产品展示:电商平台可以利用可图大模型生成高质量的产品展示图,增强产品的视觉吸引力,促进销售。


  • 教学素材生成:教育机构可以利用可图大模型生成各种教学素材,包括插图、示意图等,提升教学效果。
  • AI技术培训:可图大模型可以作为AI技术培训的工具,帮助学员理解和掌握生成式人工智能技术。


  • 广告创意生成:广告公司可以利用可图大模型生成创意十足的广告图像,提升广告效果和用户参与度。
  • 媒体内容制作:媒体机构可以利用可图大模型生成高质量的图像素材,用于新闻报道、专题文章等。


  • 游戏角色设计:游戏开发者可以利用可图大模型生成各种风格的游戏角色和场景,提升游戏的视觉效果和用户体验。
  • 虚拟形象定制:用户可以通过可图大模型生成个性化的虚拟形象,用于虚拟现实(VR)和增强现实(AR)应用。


  • 艺术创作:艺术家可以利用可图大模型生成具有艺术感的图像作品,探索新的创作灵感和形式。
  • 文化遗产保护:可图大模型可以用于生成和修复文化遗产的数字图像,帮助保护和传承文化遗产。


  • 医学图像生成:医疗机构可以利用可图大模型生成医学图像,用于医学研究和教学。
  • 健康教育:可图大模型可以生成健康教育的图像素材,帮助公众更好地理解健康知识。


Kolors Large Model is an image generation model developed by Kuaishou, based on Generative AI (AIGC). It supports two major functionalities: text-to-image (text-generated images) and image-to-image (image-generated images).

Version History

Initial Version (May 2023)

The first version of the Kolors large model was released in May 2023. This version already demonstrated powerful image generation capabilities, capable of processing complex textual descriptions and generating high-quality images.

Subsequent Versions (May 2023 to February 2024)

Between May 2023 and February 2024, the Kolors large model underwent several updates, each enhancing its performance and features. For example, the model’s attention to detail and aesthetic quality in image generation continually improved, gradually approaching and even surpassing the level of Midjourney-V5.

Latest Version (July 2024)

In July 2024, the Kolors large model released its latest version with significant improvements, including:

  • Support for ControlNet and Inpainting Model: Enhanced the control and restoration capabilities of image generation.
  • Kolors-IP-Adapter-Plus: Introduced new weights and inference code, further improving the model’s performance.
  • Support for Diffusers and ComfyUI: Expanded compatibility and ease of use, enabling the model to work on more platforms and tools.

Application Scenarios

Social Media and Content Creation

  • Personalized Avatar Generation: Users can generate personalized avatars in various styles using the Kolors large model, suitable for social media profile displays.
  • Creative Image Generation: Creators can leverage Kolors to generate high-quality images for articles, blogs, and social media posts, enhancing visual appeal.

E-Commerce and Marketing

  • AI Virtual Try-On: Kolors’ AI try-on feature allows users to upload images of models and selected outfits, generating natural-looking try-on effects. This function is particularly useful for e-commerce platforms, moving the in-store fitting experience online and enhancing the shopping experience.
  • Product Display: E-commerce platforms can use Kolors to generate high-quality product images, boosting the visual appeal of products and driving sales.

Education and Training

  • Teaching Material Generation: Educational institutions can use Kolors to generate various teaching materials, including illustrations and diagrams, to improve teaching effectiveness.
  • AI Technology Training: Kolors can serve as a tool for AI technology training, helping learners understand and master generative AI technologies.

Advertising and Media

  • Creative Ad Generation: Advertising companies can use Kolors to generate creative advertising images, improving ad effectiveness and user engagement.
  • Media Content Production: Media outlets can use Kolors to generate high-quality image materials for news reporting, feature articles, and more.

Gaming and Entertainment

  • Game Character Design: Game developers can use Kolors to generate game characters and scenes in various styles, enhancing the game’s visual effects and user experience.
  • Virtual Avatar Customization: Users can generate personalized virtual avatars using Kolors for virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) applications.

Culture and Art

  • Artistic Creation: Artists can use Kolors to generate artistic images, exploring new creative inspirations and forms.
  • Cultural Heritage Preservation: Kolors can be used to generate and restore digital images of cultural heritage, aiding in the protection and transmission of cultural artifacts.

Medical and Healthcare

  • Medical Image Generation: Healthcare institutions can use Kolors to generate medical images for research and teaching purposes.
  • Health Education: Kolors can generate image materials for health education, helping the public better understand health information.

The open-source version of Kolors large model has been officially released, providing model weights, complete code, and technical reports on multiple platforms.
