
HunyuanDiT(混元DiT)是腾讯推出的一款基于扩散变换器(Diffusion Transformer)的文本到图像生成模型。该模型具有中英文细粒度理解能力,能够生成高质量的图像。



版本 1.0



  • 基于多分辨率扩散变换器(Multi-Resolution Diffusion Transformer)架构。
  • 支持中英文双语输入及理解。
  • 采用预训练的双语CLIP模型和多语言T5编码器进行文本编码。

版本 1.1



  • 修复了图像过饱和的问题,提升了整体图像质量。
  • 引入了对齐采样器(Aligned Sampler),减少了生成步骤,提高了基础结果的质量。
  • 增加了可选的中文翻译节点,优化了中文文本输入的生成效果。

版本 1.2



  • 推出了小显存版本,仅需6GB显存即可运行,降低了硬件要求。
  • 提升了图像纹理和构图的质量。
  • 增加了对Kohya训练界面的支持,进一步降低了使用门槛。
  • 支持多轮对话和图像生成,增强了与用户的交互能力。




  • 广告创意:设计师可以利用HunyuanDiT快速生成广告海报、宣传图等创意设计,提升工作效率。
  • 插画创作:艺术家可以通过文本描述生成插画,帮助快速实现创意构思。
  • 产品设计:用于生成产品概念图和包装设计,帮助设计师在早期阶段快速迭代设计方案。


  • 社交媒体内容:创作者可以利用HunyuanDiT生成高质量的图片,用于社交媒体平台的内容发布,吸引更多关注。
  • 博客和文章配图:为博客文章或新闻报道生成相关的配图,提升内容的视觉吸引力。


  • 教学材料:教师可以生成教学图像和示例,丰富课堂内容,提升学生的学习兴趣。
  • 培训手册:用于生成培训手册中的图示和示例,帮助学员更好地理解培训内容。


  • 建筑效果图:建筑师可以通过文本描述生成建筑效果图,帮助客户更直观地理解设计方案。
  • 工程示意图:用于生成工程项目的示意图和施工图,辅助工程师进行项目规划和实施。


  • 概念艺术:游戏和影视制作团队可以利用HunyuanDiT生成概念艺术图,帮助快速构建视觉风格和场景设计。
  • 角色设计:用于生成游戏角色和影视角色的设计图,提升创作效率。


  • 产品展示:电商平台可以利用HunyuanDiT生成产品展示图,提升商品的视觉吸引力。
  • 营销素材:用于生成各种营销素材,如海报、横幅等,帮助企业进行品牌推广。


  • 艺术创作:艺术家可以利用HunyuanDiT进行数字艺术创作,探索新的艺术风格和表现形式。
  • 照片修复与编辑:摄影师可以使用HunyuanDiT的图像修复功能,对老照片进行修复和编辑,提升照片质量。

HunyuanDiT的开源版本不仅降低了硬件门槛,还提供了丰富的插件和多语言支持,极大地扩展了其应用场景。通过GitHub和Hugging Face等平台,用户可以方便地获取和使用HunyuanDiT模型,并在社区的支持下进行自定义开发和优化。

HunyuanDiT is a text-to-image generation model launched by Tencent, based on the Diffusion Transformer (DiT) architecture. The model has fine-grained understanding capabilities in both Chinese and English, enabling it to generate high-quality images.

HunyuanDiT Model Versions

Since its release, HunyuanDiT has undergone multiple updates and optimizations. Below are the key features and improvements of each version:

Version 1.0

  • Release Date: Initial version
  • Key Features:
    • Built on the Multi-Resolution Diffusion Transformer architecture.
    • Supports bilingual input and understanding in both Chinese and English.
    • Utilizes a pre-trained bilingual CLIP model and a multilingual T5 encoder for text encoding.

Version 1.1

  • Release Date: Subsequent update
  • Main Improvements:
    • Resolved the issue of image oversaturation, improving overall image quality.
    • Introduced the Aligned Sampler, which reduces the number of generation steps and enhances the quality of base results.
    • Added an optional Chinese translation node, optimizing image generation from Chinese text input.

Version 1.2

  • Release Date: Latest version
  • Main Improvements:
    • Released a low-memory version that requires only 6GB of VRAM, lowering hardware requirements.
    • Enhanced image texture and composition quality.
    • Added support for the Kohya training interface, further lowering the barrier to use.
    • Supports multi-round dialogue and image generation, improving interaction capabilities with users.

Application Scenarios

HunyuanDiT, as a powerful text-to-image generation model, has broad application scenarios. Below are some key areas where it can be applied:

Creative Design

  • Advertising Creativity: Designers can quickly generate creative designs like posters and promotional images, improving work efficiency.
  • Illustration Creation: Artists can generate illustrations based on text descriptions, assisting in the rapid realization of creative ideas.
  • Product Design: Can be used to generate product concept art and packaging designs, helping designers iterate their ideas quickly in the early stages.

Content Creation

  • Social Media Content: Creators can generate high-quality images for social media platforms to attract more attention.
  • Blog and Article Illustrations: Generate related images for blog posts or news reports, enhancing the visual appeal of the content.

Education and Training

  • Teaching Materials: Teachers can generate educational images and examples to enrich classroom content and increase student engagement.
  • Training Manuals: Used to generate illustrations and examples for training manuals, helping learners better understand the training content.

Architecture and Engineering

  • Architectural Renderings: Architects can generate architectural renderings based on text descriptions, helping clients better understand design plans.
  • Engineering Diagrams: Used to generate schematic and construction diagrams for engineering projects, assisting engineers in project planning and implementation.

Gaming and Film

  • Concept Art: Game and film production teams can generate concept art using HunyuanDiT, helping to quickly build visual styles and scene designs.
  • Character Design: Can be used to generate design sketches for game and film characters, improving creative efficiency.

E-Commerce and Marketing

  • Product Display: E-commerce platforms can use HunyuanDiT to generate product display images, enhancing product appeal.
  • Marketing Materials: Can be used to generate various marketing materials such as posters and banners, helping businesses with brand promotion.

Art and Photography

  • Art Creation: Artists can use HunyuanDiT for digital art creation, exploring new styles and forms of expression.
  • Photo Restoration and Editing: Photographers can utilize HunyuanDiT’s image restoration capabilities to restore and edit old photos, improving their quality.

Open-Source Availability

The open-source version of HunyuanDiT not only reduces hardware requirements but also provides rich plugins and multi-language support, greatly expanding its application scenarios. Through platforms like GitHub and Hugging Face, users can easily access and use the HunyuanDiT model, and with community support, they can customize and optimize it for specific needs.
