
TensorArt 是一个多功能的 AI 图像生成和模型托管平台,提供多种工具和功能,帮助用户轻松创建艺术作品和管理 AI 模型。



  • 多种模型支持:TensorArt 支持多种先进的 AI 模型,如 Stable Diffusion、ControlNet 和 LoRA,用户可以根据需求选择不同的模型来生成图像。
  • 每日免费积分:平台每天提供 100 个免费积分,用户可以用这些积分生成图像,每张图像消耗 1 个积分。
  • 图像到图像功能:用户可以上传一张基础图像,AI 将其用作生成新图像的参考,这有助于在现有图像基础上进行创作。


  • LoRA(局部随机调整):LoRA 优化功能可以增强图像的细节和层次感,特别是在面部和手部等细节部分。
  • VAE(变分自编码器):VAE 增强虚拟模特儿的形象,使其更加生动和富有层次。
  • A Detailer:专注于增强图像的特定细节,提升整体图像质量。


  • 直观的操作界面:TensorArt 提供简单易用的操作界面,适合初学者和专业用户。
  • 提示词生成:用户可以通过上传图片生成相关的提示词,帮助更好地控制图像生成过程。
  • 多种取样方法:平台提供多种取样方法,如 ULA、DPM++ 和 2x Karas,不同的方法会影响最终图像的细节和质量。


  • 模型共享平台:用户可以上传和下载模型,包括 Checkpoint 等,支持在线运行模型生成图像和训练模型。
  • 动态社区:TensorArt 拥有一个活跃的社区,用户可以在平台上分享创作灵感和模型,参与各种活动和竞赛。


  • 高清修复:提供高清修复功能,提升图像的清晰度和细节。
  • 种子一致性:利用种子生成稳定图片,确保每次生成的图像一致。



  • 每日免费积分:每个用户每天可以获得 100 个免费积分,这些积分可以用来生成图像。每生成一张图像消耗 1 个积分。


  • 会员方案:TensorArt 提供多种付费会员方案,用户可以根据自己的需求选择不同的方案。主要的会员方案包括:
    • 1 天会员:适合短期使用的用户。
    • 30 天会员:适合中期使用的用户。
    • 90 天会员:适合长期使用的用户。


  • 积分包:用户可以购买积分包来增加可用积分。常见的积分包价格如下:
    • 3,000 积分包:$9.90
    • 10,000 积分包:$29.90。



  • 数字艺术:数字艺术家可以使用 TensorArt 生成独特的视觉效果,创建各种风格的艺术作品,如油画、水彩画、插画等。
  • 概念艺术:插画师和概念艺术家可以利用 AI 模型快速生成概念图,帮助他们在创作初期阶段快速迭代和探索不同的设计思路。


  • 图像修复:利用边缘信息和其他输入,TensorArt 可以对受损的图像进行修复,生成与原始图像风格一致的修复结果。
  • 图像重建:通过输入草图或边缘图,用户可以重建图像的基本形状和结构,生成高质量的图像。


  • 广告和营销:营销人员可以使用 TensorArt 生成引人注目的广告图像和营销素材,提升品牌形象和市场推广效果。
  • 产品设计:产品设计师可以利用 AI 模型生成产品概念图和设计草图,加速产品开发过程。


  • 教育工具:教育工作者可以使用 TensorArt 生成教学素材和视觉辅助工具,帮助学生更好地理解复杂的概念和内容。
  • 研究和开发:研究人员可以利用 TensorArt 进行图像生成和处理的研究,探索 AI 在图像生成领域的潜力和应用。


  • 游戏开发:游戏开发者可以使用 TensorArt 生成游戏角色、场景和道具的概念图和设计图,加速游戏开发过程。
  • 电影和动画:电影制片人和动画师可以利用 AI 模型生成电影和动画的视觉效果,提升作品的视觉质量和创意表现。


  • 个性化礼物:用户可以使用 TensorArt 生成个性化的艺术作品,作为礼物送给亲友。
  • 社交媒体内容:社交媒体用户可以利用 AI 生成独特的图像和视频内容,提升个人账号的吸引力和关注度。

TensorArt is a multifunctional AI image generation and model hosting platform that offers various tools and features to help users easily create artworks and manage AI models.

Key Features

  • Image Generation
    • Support for Multiple Models: TensorArt supports various advanced AI models such as Stable Diffusion, ControlNet, and LoRA. Users can choose different models based on their needs to generate images.
    • Daily Free Points: The platform offers 100 free points daily, and each image generation consumes 1 point.
    • Image-to-Image Function: Users can upload a base image, and the AI uses it as a reference to create a new image, making it easy to build upon existing work.
  • Advanced Features
    • LoRA (Low-Rank Adaptation): LoRA optimization enhances details and depth in images, especially in intricate areas like faces and hands.
    • VAE (Variational Autoencoder): VAE enhances the realism and layering of virtual models, making them more vivid.
    • A Detailer: Focuses on improving specific details within the image to elevate the overall quality.
  • User Interface and Operations
    • Intuitive Interface: TensorArt provides a simple, easy-to-use interface suitable for both beginners and professionals.
    • Prompt Generation: Users can generate related prompts by uploading images, helping to better control the image creation process.
    • Multiple Sampling Methods: The platform offers several sampling methods such as ULA, DPM++, and 2x Karas, each affecting the final image’s details and quality.
  • Community and Sharing
    • Model Sharing Platform: Users can upload and download models, including checkpoints, and use them to generate images and train models online.
    • Active Community: TensorArt has a vibrant community where users can share their creative inspirations and models, as well as participate in various events and competitions.
  • Other Features
    • High-Resolution Enhancement: Offers high-resolution enhancement features to improve image clarity and detail.
    • Seed Consistency: Utilizes seed generation to ensure consistent images each time for reliable results.

Pricing Model

  • Free Mode
    • Daily Free Points: Every user receives 100 free points per day, which can be used to generate images. Each image consumes 1 point.
  • Paid Membership TensorArt offers various paid membership plans to suit different user needs:
    • 1-Day Membership: Ideal for short-term use.
    • 30-Day Membership: Suitable for medium-term users.
    • 90-Day Membership: Designed for long-term users.
  • Point Purchases Users can buy point packages to increase available points. Common packages include:
    • 3,000-Point Package: $9.90
    • 10,000-Point Package: $29.90

Application Scenarios

  • Artistic Creation
    • Digital Art: Digital artists can use TensorArt to generate unique visual effects, creating various artistic works such as oil paintings, watercolors, and illustrations.
    • Concept Art: Illustrators and concept artists can quickly generate concept sketches using AI models, helping them iterate and explore different design ideas during the early stages of creation.
  • Image Restoration and Reconstruction
    • Image Restoration: TensorArt can restore damaged images by using edge information and other inputs to generate results consistent with the original style.
    • Image Reconstruction: Users can rebuild the basic shapes and structures of images by inputting sketches or edge diagrams, generating high-quality images.
  • Commercial Design
    • Advertising and Marketing: Marketers can use TensorArt to generate eye-catching advertising images and marketing materials, enhancing brand image and promotion effectiveness.
    • Product Design: Product designers can generate product concept sketches and design drafts using AI models, speeding up the product development process.
  • Education and Research
    • Educational Tools: Educators can use TensorArt to generate teaching materials and visual aids to help students better understand complex concepts and content.
    • Research and Development: Researchers can use TensorArt for image generation and processing studies, exploring the potential and applications of AI in the field of image generation.
  • Entertainment and Media
    • Game Development: Game developers can use TensorArt to generate concept sketches and designs for characters, scenes, and props, accelerating the game development process.
    • Film and Animation: Filmmakers and animators can utilize AI models to generate visual effects for films and animations, enhancing the visual quality and creative expression of their works.
  • Personalized Creation
    • Personalized Gifts: Users can generate personalized artworks with TensorArt as gifts for friends and family.
    • Social Media Content: Social media users can generate unique images and video content using AI to enhance the appeal and engagement of their personal accounts.