



  • Stable Diffusion图像生成:基于Stable Diffusion技术,用户可以通过输入文本生成高质量的图像,或者通过上传图片进行图像风格转换和后期处理。
  • 多样的创作主题和风格:支持多种艺术风格和创作方法,包括摄影、写实、动漫、游戏、科幻、插画、平面设计、建筑、工业设计、时尚服装等。


  • 自定义LoRA模型训练:用户可以上传图片,使用平台提供的预设模式(如SDXL、人像、ACG、画风)训练专属于自己的LoRA模型,满足个性化创作需求。


  • 丰富的模型和素材库:平台上有超过10万个AI模型和创作作品,用户可以下载、使用和分享这些资源,涵盖多个领域和风格。
  • 社区互动:用户可以在平台上发布作品、参与讨论、与其他创作者交流想法,共同成长。


  • AI文本创作:基于用户输入的要求,生成符合需求的文字内容,帮助用户提高工作效率,节省时间。


  • 友好的用户界面:平台设计简洁,操作便捷,适合各类用户使用,无论是专业艺术家还是普通爱好者。


  • 在线Stable Diffusion WebUI:提供基于开源SD WebUI的在线网页版,支持文生图、图生图、图像后期处理等AI创作功能。
  • 虚拟摄影和设计:提供虚拟摄影、人像、光影、空间、建筑及空间设计等多种创作模式,适合不同创作需求。



  • 每日免费生成:非会员用户每天可以免费生成约300张图片,每张图消耗3点算力,相当于每天免费获得300点算力。
  • 免费模型下载:平台提供超过10万个模型资源,用户无需任何费用即可轻松下载和使用这些模型。


  • 订阅制会员:LibLibAI提供多种订阅制会员服务,付费用户可以获得更多的算力、更高的生成质量和更快的响应速度。具体收费标准如下:
    • 基础版VIP:35元/月,包含15000张图片生成、20GB云端存储和300次加速。
    • 专业版VIP:70元/月,包含35000张图片生成、50GB云端存储和2000次加速。
  • 高级功能:付费用户还可以使用在线训练LoRA、海量原创模型素材和高级生图等高级功能。



  • 绘画和插画:艺术家可以使用LibLibAI生成各种风格的绘画和插画作品,从写实到抽象,从传统到现代,满足不同的艺术表达需求。
  • 动漫和游戏设计:平台提供丰富的动漫和游戏设计模型,帮助创作者快速生成角色设计、场景设计和概念艺术。


  • 工业设计:设计师可以利用LibLibAI的模型资源进行产品原型设计和概念验证,提高设计效率和创作质量。
  • 品牌和广告设计:企业可以使用平台生成高质量的品牌宣传图像和广告素材,提升品牌形象和市场竞争力。


  • 虚拟摄影:摄影师可以通过LibLibAI生成虚拟摄影作品,探索新的创作思路和视觉效果。
  • 图像后期处理:平台提供强大的图像处理工具,帮助用户进行图像修饰和风格转换,提升作品的视觉效果。


  • 建筑设计:建筑师可以使用LibLibAI生成建筑设计草图和初稿,快速可视化设计概念。
  • 室内设计:室内设计师可以利用平台的模型资源进行空间设计和装饰,提升设计效率和创意表达。


  • 教学辅助:教育机构和培训机构可以使用LibLibAI生成教学素材和示例,帮助学生更好地理解和掌握设计和创作技能。
  • 创意训练:平台提供的自定义模型训练功能,可以帮助用户提升AI模型训练和应用能力,促进创意和技术的结合。


  • 社交媒体内容:企业和个人可以使用LibLibAI生成吸引人的社交媒体内容,提高用户互动和品牌曝光。
  • 广告和宣传:平台提供高质量的广告素材生成工具,帮助企业快速制作宣传海报和广告图像,提升市场营销效果。

LibLibAI is a leading AI image creation platform and model-sharing community launched by Beijing Singularity Star Technology. It offers advanced tools for image generation, model training, and a vibrant community for creators.

Key Features

Image Generation

  • Stable Diffusion-based Image Creation: Leveraging Stable Diffusion technology, users can generate high-quality images through text input or transform the style of uploaded images for post-processing.
  • Diverse Themes and Styles: Supports a wide range of artistic styles and creation methods, including photography, realism, anime, gaming, sci-fi, illustration, graphic design, architecture, industrial design, and fashion.

Model Training

  • Custom LoRA Model Training: Users can upload images and use platform-provided preset modes (such as SDXL, portrait, ACG, or art style) to train personalized LoRA models, catering to their unique creative needs.

Community and Resources

  • Extensive Model and Resource Library: The platform hosts over 100,000 AI models and creative works, which users can download, use, and share, covering multiple fields and styles.
  • Community Interaction: Users can publish their works, engage in discussions, and exchange ideas with other creators, fostering mutual growth.

Text Generation

  • AI Text Creation: Based on user input, the platform generates text content tailored to specific needs, helping users improve productivity and save time.

User Interface

  • User-Friendly Interface: The platform is designed to be simple and intuitive, making it accessible to a wide range of users, from professional artists to casual hobbyists.

Additional Features

  • Online Stable Diffusion WebUI: Offers an online version of the open-source SD WebUI, supporting text-to-image, image-to-image, and post-processing functionalities for AI creations.
  • Virtual Photography and Design: Provides various creative modes such as virtual photography, portrait, light and shadow, space, architecture, and spatial design, suitable for different creative requirements.

Pricing Models

Free Services

  • Daily Free Generations: Non-members can generate approximately 300 images daily, with each image consuming 3 points of computing power, equating to 300 free points per day.
  • Free Model Downloads: Over 100,000 models are available for free download, allowing users to easily access and use these resources without any cost.

Paid Services

  • Subscription-Based Membership: LibLibAI offers various subscription-based memberships, giving paying users access to more computing power, higher generation quality, and faster response times. Pricing details are as follows:
    • Basic VIP: ¥35/month, includes 15,000 image generations, 20GB cloud storage, and 300 acceleration uses.
    • Professional VIP: ¥70/month, includes 35,000 image generations, 50GB cloud storage, and 2,000 acceleration uses.
  • Advanced Features: Paying users also gain access to features like online LoRA training, a vast library of original models and resources, and premium image generation functionalities.

Application Scenarios

Art Creation

  • Painting and Illustration: Artists can use LibLibAI to generate artwork in various styles, from realism to abstract, from traditional to modern, fulfilling different artistic expressions.
  • Anime and Game Design: The platform provides a wealth of anime and game design models to help creators quickly generate character designs, scene layouts, and concept art.

Product Design

  • Industrial Design: Designers can use LibLibAI’s model resources for product prototyping and concept validation, improving design efficiency and creativity.
  • Brand and Advertising Design: Businesses can generate high-quality brand visuals and advertising materials using the platform, enhancing brand image and market competitiveness.

Photography and Visual Effects

  • Virtual Photography: Photographers can create virtual photography works, exploring new creative concepts and visual effects.
  • Image Post-Processing: The platform offers robust image editing tools to help users refine and stylize their work, improving the overall visual impact.

Architecture and Interior Design

  • Architectural Design: Architects can quickly visualize design concepts by generating architectural sketches and drafts using LibLibAI.
  • Interior Design: Interior designers can use the platform’s model resources for spatial design and decoration, enhancing design efficiency and creative expression.

Education and Training

  • Educational Assistance: Educational and training institutions can use LibLibAI to generate teaching materials and examples, helping students better understand and master design and creative skills.
  • Creative Training: The platform’s custom model training features allow users to improve their AI model training skills, promoting the integration of creativity and technology.

Content Marketing

  • Social Media Content: Businesses and individuals can generate engaging social media content with LibLibAI, boosting user interaction and brand exposure.
  • Advertising and Promotion: The platform provides high-quality advertising material generation tools, helping businesses quickly create promotional posters and ads to enhance marketing effectiveness.