Mistral AI

Mistral AI是一家总部位于法国巴黎的人工智能初创公司,成立于2023年。公司由前Meta和Google DeepMind的研究人员阿瑟·门施(Arthur Mensch)、纪尧姆·兰普尔(Guillaume Lample)和蒂莫西·拉克鲁瓦(Timothée Lacroix)共同创立。Mistral AI专注于开发生成式人工智能模型,并以其开放源码和高效能的模型而闻名。


Mistral 7B

  • 参数规模:7B(70亿参数)
  • 特点:这是Mistral AI发布的首款大型语言模型,具有高效的计算性能和广泛的应用场景。

Mistral 8x7B 和 Mistral 8x22B

  • 参数规模:8x7B(8个70亿参数的专家网络)和8x22B(8个220亿参数的专家网络)
  • 特点:这些模型是Mistral AI的混合专家模型(MoE),提供了更高的计算能力和灵活性。Mistral 8x22B是Mistral 8x7B的升级版,参数规模增长了三倍以上。

Mistral NeMo 12B

  • 参数规模:12B(120亿参数)
  • 特点:与NVIDIA合作推出的企业级AI模型,适用于聊天机器人和其他企业应用。

Codestral Mamba 7B

  • 参数规模:7B(70亿参数)
  • 特点:专为程序员和开发人员设计的代码生成模型,具有更快的推理速度和更长的上下文窗口。该模型可以处理多达256,000个token的输入,是OpenAI的GPT-4的两倍。

Mathstral 7B

  • 参数规模:7B(70亿参数)
  • 特点:专为数学相关推理和科学发现设计的AI模型,具有32K的上下文窗口,并在数学推理基准测试中表现优异。

Mistral Large 2

  • 参数规模:123B(1230亿参数)
  • 特点:这是Mistral AI的旗舰模型,专为单节点推理设计,支持包括Python、Java、C、C++、JavaScript和Bash在内的80多种编程语言。该模型在代码生成和数学推理方面表现出色,并在多个基准测试中超越了其他顶级模型。



Mistral AI采用按使用量付费的模式,用户根据实际使用的token数量进行支付。这种模式适用于不同规模的企业和开发者,提供了灵活的支付选项。

  • 输入token:$0.008 每 1,000 个token
  • 输出token:$0.024 每 1,000 个token



Mistral AI的模型可以用于生成高质量的文本内容,适用于内容创作、自动写作和文本分类等任务。


通过构建智能聊天机器人,Mistral AI的模型可以显著提升客户服务的效率和质量。这些模型能够理解和响应客户的查询,提供个性化的服务体验。


Mistral AI的模型在处理自然语言和代码相关任务时表现出色,能够生成代码片段、建议漏洞修复和优化现有代码,从而加快开发过程。


Mistral AI的模型可以从冗长的文章中提取精髓,帮助用户快速掌握主要观点和核心信息。




Mistral AI的模型在理解语言、推理和学习方面的核心AI能力,使其在处理问答时展现出接近人类的性能。这在自动化和扩展知识共享领域极具价值。


Mistral AI的模型支持多种语言,包括英语、法语、德语、西班牙语、意大利语、葡萄牙语、荷兰语、俄语、中文、日语、韩语和阿拉伯语,适用于全球业务运营。


在医疗领域,Mistral AI的模型可以用于辅助诊断和医疗记录的自动化处理,提升医疗服务的效率和准确性。


Mistral AI的技术可以应用于智能家居设备,通过自然语言处理实现语音控制和智能交互。


在自动驾驶领域,Mistral AI的模型可以用于环境感知和决策支持,提升自动驾驶系统的安全性和可靠性。


Mistral AI的开源版本模型以其透明性和可定制性著称,允许开发者和研究人员自由使用、修改和分发这些模型。


  • Mistral 7B:这是一款拥有70亿参数的开源模型,性能优异,适用于多种应用场景。
  • Mistral NeMo 12B:这款模型拥有120亿参数,专为企业级应用设计,适用于聊天机器人和其他复杂任务。
  • Mistral Large 2:最新发布的旗舰模型,拥有1230亿参数,支持多种编程语言和复杂任务。


Mistral AI的闭源版本模型则主要面向商业应用,提供更高的性能和专有功能,但需要通过付费许可才能使用。


  • Mistral Large:这款模型虽然性能强大,但并未开源,用户只能通过官方API或Azure访问。
  • Mistral Small和Medium:这些模型也未开源,主要通过API提供服务,适用于需要高效能和低延迟的应用场景。

Mistral AI is a Paris-based artificial intelligence startup founded in 2023. The company was established by former Meta and Google DeepMind researchers Arthur Mensch, Guillaume Lample, and Timothée Lacroix. Mistral AI focuses on developing generative AI models and is renowned for its open-source, high-performance models.

Main Model Versions

  1. Mistral 7B
    • Parameter size: 7B (7 billion parameters)
    • Features: This is Mistral AI’s first large language model, offering efficient computational performance and a wide range of applications.
  2. Mistral 8x7B & Mistral 8x22B
    • Parameter sizes: 8x7B (8 expert networks with 7 billion parameters each) and 8x22B (8 expert networks with 22 billion parameters each)
    • Features: These are Mistral AI’s mixture of experts (MoE) models, providing greater computational power and flexibility. The Mistral 8x22B is an upgraded version of Mistral 8x7B, with more than triple the parameter count.
  3. Mistral NeMo 12B
    • Parameter size: 12B (12 billion parameters)
    • Features: A collaboration with NVIDIA, this enterprise-grade AI model is designed for use in chatbots and other business applications.
  4. Codestral Mamba 7B
    • Parameter size: 7B (7 billion parameters)
    • Features: A code generation model specifically designed for programmers and developers. It offers faster inference speed and a larger context window, capable of handling up to 256,000 tokens, double that of OpenAI’s GPT-4.
  5. Mathstral 7B
    • Parameter size: 7B (7 billion parameters)
    • Features: An AI model focused on mathematical reasoning and scientific discovery, with a 32K context window. It excels in mathematical reasoning benchmarks.
  6. Mistral Large 2
    • Parameter size: 123B (123 billion parameters)
    • Features: Mistral AI’s flagship model, designed for single-node inference. It supports over 80 programming languages, including Python, Java, C, C++, JavaScript, and Bash. The model performs exceptionally well in code generation and mathematical reasoning, surpassing other top-tier models in several benchmarks.

Pricing Model

Mistral AI operates on a pay-as-you-go model, where users are charged based on the number of tokens they use. This flexible pricing is suitable for businesses and developers of different scales.

  • Input tokens: $0.008 per 1,000 tokens
  • Output tokens: $0.024 per 1,000 tokens

Main Application Scenarios

  1. Text Generation and Classification: Mistral AI’s models can generate high-quality text content, making them suitable for content creation, automated writing, and text classification tasks.
  2. Customer Service: Intelligent chatbots powered by Mistral AI’s models can significantly enhance customer service efficiency and quality by understanding and responding to customer queries, providing personalized experiences.
  3. Code Generation and Completion: These models excel in natural language and code-related tasks, generating code snippets, suggesting bug fixes, and optimizing existing code, speeding up the development process.
  4. Text Summarization: Mistral AI models can extract key points from lengthy articles, helping users quickly grasp the main ideas and essential information.
  5. Structured Information Extraction: The models can deeply understand the underlying structure and framework of texts, organizing the information and highlighting key concepts and relationships.
  6. Question Answering: Mistral AI models demonstrate near-human performance in question-answering tasks, showcasing core AI capabilities in language understanding, reasoning, and learning. This is valuable for automating and scaling knowledge-sharing.
  7. Multilingual Support: Mistral AI models support multiple languages, including English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Portuguese, Dutch, Russian, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, and Arabic, making them suitable for global business operations.
  8. Medical Diagnosis: In the healthcare field, Mistral AI models can assist with diagnosis and automate the processing of medical records, improving the efficiency and accuracy of healthcare services.
  9. Smart Homes: Mistral AI’s technology can be applied to smart home devices, enabling voice control and intelligent interactions through natural language processing.
  10. Autonomous Driving: In the autonomous driving sector, Mistral AI models can be used for environment perception and decision support, improving the safety and reliability of autonomous driving systems.

Open-Source Models

Mistral AI is known for its transparency and customizability, allowing developers and researchers to freely use, modify, and distribute their open-source models.

  • Mistral 7B: A high-performance open-source model with 7 billion parameters, suitable for various applications.
  • Mistral NeMo 12B: A 12-billion-parameter model designed for enterprise-level applications, particularly in chatbot and complex task scenarios.
  • Mistral Large 2: The latest flagship model with 123 billion parameters, supporting multiple programming languages and complex tasks.

Closed-Source Models

Mistral AI’s closed-source models are primarily aimed at commercial applications, offering higher performance and proprietary features, but require paid licenses to access.

  • Mistral Large: A powerful model available via official API or Azure access.
  • Mistral Small and Medium: These models are not open-source and are mainly provided via APIs for high-performance, low-latency applications.