
Fliki 是一个功能强大的人工智能驱动的文本转视频和文本转语音工具,具有多种功能,能够帮助用户高效地创建高质量的音频和视频内容。



  • 快速生成视频:Fliki 可以将博客文章、推文、PPT 演示文稿等文本内容快速转换为视频,适用于各种社交媒体平台,如 TikTok、Instagram、YouTube 和 Facebook。
  • 丰富的模板和媒体资源:提供大量可定制的视频模板和数百万的图片、视频剪辑和背景音乐选项,帮助用户创建具有视觉吸引力的视频。


  • 逼真的AI配音:Fliki 拥有超过900种声音,支持75种语言和方言,生成的声音非常自然,接近真人发音。
  • 语音克隆:支持语音克隆功能,可以用用户自己的声音或其他人的声音来生成视频,保持个性和风格。


  • 字幕和视觉效果:用户可以自定义字幕颜色和字体样式,添加品牌标志等元素,使视频更加个性化。
  • 情绪和语气调整:可以自定义暂停时长、情绪和语气,让视频内容更自然、更吸引人。


  • 节省时间和成本:通过自动化视频生成过程,大大减少了视频制作所需的时间和成本,适合没有视频编辑经验的用户。
  • 多平台支持:生成的视频适用于多个社交媒体平台,帮助用户扩大影响力和观众参与度。


  • 用户互动:Fliki 提供社区功能,让用户可以一起讨论他们喜欢的电影和视频内容,分享创作经验和技巧。



  • 功能:免费计划允许用户每月生成最多 5 分钟的音频和视频内容。
  • 限制:免费计划的功能有限,适合初次尝试和小规模使用。


  • 费用:每月 28 美元,年度订阅每月 21 美元。
  • 功能:每月提供 180 分钟的配音时间,访问 850 多种配音,支持全高清 1080p 视频。
  • 适用人群:适合希望轻松制作引人入胜的视频和音频配音的个人和专业人士。


  • 费用:每月 66 美元。
  • 功能:每月提供 600 分钟的配音时间,访问 1800 多种配音,包括 950 多种超真实的语音,支持语音克隆功能、API 访问和专门的客户经理。
  • 适用人群:适合高级用户和企业,特别是需要大规模创建内容的用户。



  • 博客和文章转视频:Fliki 可以将博客文章、新闻稿和其他文本内容转换为视频,适合发布在 YouTube、TikTok 和 Instagram 等平台上,增加内容的传播力和吸引力。
  • 社交媒体内容:适用于创建短视频和动态内容,帮助用户在社交媒体平台上吸引更多的关注和互动。


  • 产品推广:通过 Fliki,市场营销人员可以快速制作产品介绍视频、广告和宣传片,提升品牌知名度和产品销售。
  • 广告创作:生成高质量的广告视频,适用于各种在线广告平台,增加广告的点击率和转化率。


  • 在线课程:教育工作者可以使用 Fliki 创建教学视频和在线课程内容,提供生动的讲解和演示,提升学生的学习体验。
  • 企业培训:适用于制作企业培训视频和员工入职培训材料,帮助企业提高培训效率和效果。


  • 企业宣传:企业可以利用 Fliki 制作公司介绍视频、年度报告视频和其他宣传材料,提升企业形象和品牌价值。
  • 客户支持:创建产品使用指南和常见问题解答视频,帮助客户更好地理解和使用产品。


  • Vlog 和个人视频:个人用户可以使用 Fliki 创建 Vlog、旅行视频和其他个人创作内容,记录生活点滴并分享给朋友和家人。
  • 情感分享:制作情感故事和个人经历的视频,表达自己的情感和观点。

Fliki 是一个闭源的人工智能文本转视频和文本转语音工具,提供专业的功能和服务,但其源代码不对外开放。

Fliki is a powerful AI-driven text-to-video and text-to-speech tool designed to help users efficiently create high-quality audio and video content.

Key Features

  1. Text-to-Video
    • Rapid Video Generation: Fliki can quickly convert text content such as blog posts, tweets, and PPT presentations into videos, suitable for various social media platforms like TikTok, Instagram, YouTube, and Facebook.
    • Rich Templates and Media Resources: Offers a wide range of customizable video templates and access to millions of images, video clips, and background music options, helping users create visually appealing videos.
  2. Text-to-Speech
    • Realistic AI Voiceovers: Fliki features over 900 voices and supports 75 languages and dialects, producing natural-sounding voices that closely resemble human speech.
    • Voice Cloning: Supports voice cloning functionality, allowing users to generate videos with their own or others’ voices, maintaining personal style and character.
  3. Customization Options
    • Subtitles and Visual Effects: Users can customize subtitle colors and fonts, and add brand logos and other elements to make videos more personalized.
    • Emotion and Tone Adjustment: Customizable pause durations, emotions, and tones to make video content more natural and engaging.
  4. Efficient Content Creation
    • Time and Cost Savings: Automates the video generation process, significantly reducing the time and cost required for video production, ideal for users without video editing experience.
    • Multi-Platform Support: Videos generated are suitable for multiple social media platforms, helping users expand their reach and audience engagement.
  5. Community Features
    • User Interaction: Provides community features allowing users to discuss their favorite movies and video content, and share creative experiences and tips.

Pricing Plans

  1. Free Plan
    • Features: Allows users to generate up to 5 minutes of audio and video content per month.
    • Limitations: Limited features, suitable for initial trials and small-scale use.
  2. Standard Plan
    • Cost: $28 per month, or $21 per month with an annual subscription.
    • Features: Includes 180 minutes of voiceover time per month, access to over 850 voices, and support for full HD 1080p video.
    • Target Audience: Ideal for individuals and professionals who want to easily create engaging video and audio content.
  3. Premium Plan
    • Cost: $66 per month.
    • Features: Includes 600 minutes of voiceover time per month, access to over 1800 voices including more than 950 ultra-realistic voices, voice cloning functionality, API access, and a dedicated account manager.
    • Target Audience: Suitable for advanced users and businesses, particularly those needing to create content on a large scale.

Application Scenarios

  1. Content Creation
    • Blogs and Articles to Video: Convert blog posts, press releases, and other text content into videos for platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and Instagram, enhancing content reach and engagement.
    • Social Media Content: Ideal for creating short videos and dynamic content to attract more attention and interaction on social media platforms.
  2. Marketing
    • Product Promotion: Marketing professionals can quickly produce product introduction videos, ads, and promotional clips to boost brand awareness and product sales.
    • Ad Creation: Generate high-quality ad videos for various online advertising platforms, increasing click-through rates and conversion rates.
  3. Education and Training
    • Online Courses: Educators can use Fliki to create teaching videos and online course content, providing engaging explanations and demonstrations to enhance student learning experiences.
    • Corporate Training: Suitable for creating corporate training videos and onboarding materials, improving training efficiency and effectiveness.
  4. Business and Commercial Use
    • Corporate Promotion: Businesses can use Fliki to create company introduction videos, annual report videos, and other promotional materials, enhancing corporate image and brand value.
    • Customer Support: Create product usage guides and FAQ videos to help customers better understand and use products.
  5. Personal Creation
    • Vlogs and Personal Videos: Individual users can use Fliki to create vlogs, travel videos, and other personal content, documenting life events and sharing with friends and family.
    • Emotional Sharing: Produce videos of personal stories and experiences to express emotions and viewpoints.

Fliki is a closed-source AI text-to-video and text-to-speech tool, offering professional features and services, but its source code is not open to the public.
