


1. 音乐创作

  • 文本描述生成歌曲:用户只需输入简单的描述,如歌曲类型、歌词主题和情绪,Suno 就能生成完整的歌曲,包括旋律、歌词和节奏。
  • 多样化的音乐风格:支持生成多种音乐风格,包括流行、古典、电子、嘻哈等,满足不同用户的需求和偏好。
  • 自定义模式:用户可以输入自己的歌词、设定歌曲名称,甚至描述具体的音乐风格和情绪,生成个性化的音乐作品。

2. 语音合成

  • 自然流畅的语音生成:Suno 不仅能生成音乐,还能生成自然流畅的语音,适用于语音合成、配音等场景。

3. 音乐视频生成

  • SunoMV:用户可以通过 SunoMV 工具生成带有同步歌词和可定制视觉效果的音乐视频。该工具支持多种视频风格选项,确保音乐和视觉效果的无缝对接。

4. 社区和发现

  • 发现功能:用户可以浏览其他用户创作的歌曲,并根据类型、语言、心情等进行筛选,发现更多有趣的音乐作品。
  • Suno List:提供每日更新的热门 AI 音乐榜单和专业点评,帮助用户了解当前最流行的 AI 音乐。

5. 账号和登录

  • 多种登录方式:支持使用手机号码、Apple、Google、微软、Discord 账户登录,方便用户快速上手。

6. 高效创作体验

  • 快速生成:根据用户输入的描述,Suno 能在数分钟内生成歌曲,免费用户每天可以生成一定数量的歌曲。


  • 每日积分:免费用户每天可以获得 50 积分,相当于可以生成 10 首两分钟的歌曲。
  • 使用限制:免费计划仅限于非商业用途,同时最多可以进行两个任务。


Suno 提供了多个付费计划,以满足不同用户的需求:

专业版(Pro Plan)

  • 费用:每月 10 美元(包年 8 美元每月)。
  • 积分:每月 2500 积分,可生成 500 首歌曲。
  • 使用权限:可用于商业用途,同时最多可以进行 10 个任务。

高级版(Premier Plan)

  • 费用:每月 30 美元(包年 24 美元每月)。
  • 积分:每月 10000 积分,可生成 2000 首歌曲。
  • 使用权限:可用于商业用途,同时最多可以进行 10 个任务。


1. 音乐创作

  • 个人音乐创作:无论是业余爱好者还是专业音乐人,Suno AI 都能帮助用户快速生成高质量的音乐作品。用户只需输入简单的文本描述,即可生成完整的歌曲,包括旋律、歌词和配乐。
  • 歌词创作:Suno AI 提供了专门的歌词生成工具,用户可以输入主题,AI 会基于此生成相关的歌词,帮助创作者快速构思歌词框架。

2. 语音合成

  • 配音和语音合成:Suno AI 能生成自然流畅的语音,适用于各种语音合成和配音场景,如有声读物、视频解说和虚拟助手等。

3. 视频制作

  • 音乐视频生成:通过 SunoMV 工具,用户可以生成带有同步歌词和可定制视觉效果的音乐视频,适用于音乐发布、社交媒体分享和视频制作等场景。

4. 教育和培训

  • 音乐教育:Suno AI 可以作为音乐教育的辅助工具,帮助学生理解音乐结构和创作技巧。教师可以使用 Suno AI 生成示例音乐,进行教学演示。

5. 商业用途

  • 广告和营销:企业可以使用 Suno AI 生成背景音乐和广告配乐,提升品牌宣传效果。付费用户可以将生成的音乐用于商业用途,满足各种营销需求。
  • 游戏和应用开发:开发者可以使用 Suno AI 生成游戏背景音乐和应用音效,提升用户体验。

6. 灵感激发

  • 创作灵感:Suno AI 可以为创作者提供新的灵感和思路,帮助他们突破创作瓶颈。通过生成不同风格和情绪的音乐,创作者可以探索更多创作可能性。

Suno is an AI-powered music creation platform focused on generating music.

Key Features

  1. Music Creation
    • Text-based Song Generation: Users can input simple descriptions such as song type, lyric themes, and emotions, and Suno will generate complete songs, including melody, lyrics, and rhythm.
    • Diverse Music Styles: It supports various music genres, including pop, classical, electronic, and hip-hop, catering to different user preferences.
    • Custom Mode: Users can input their own lyrics, set the song title, and describe specific musical styles and emotions to generate personalized music tracks.
  2. Voice Synthesis
    • Natural and Smooth Voice Generation: Suno can not only generate music but also create natural, flowing speech for use in voice synthesis, narration, and other scenarios.
  3. Music Video Generation
    • SunoMV: Users can create music videos with synchronized lyrics and customizable visual effects. This tool offers multiple video style options, ensuring seamless integration between music and visuals.
  4. Community and Discovery
    • Discovery Feature: Users can browse songs created by others, filtering by genre, language, mood, and more to discover interesting new music.
    • Suno List: Provides daily updated AI music charts and professional reviews to help users stay informed about the latest popular AI music.
  5. Accounts and Login
    • Multiple Login Options: Supports login via phone number, Apple, Google, Microsoft, and Discord accounts, making it easy for users to get started.
  6. Efficient Creation Experience
    • Quick Generation: Based on user input, Suno can generate songs within minutes, with free users able to create a certain number of songs daily.

Free Plan

  • Daily Credits: Free users receive 50 credits per day, which allows for the creation of 10 songs, each lasting two minutes.
  • Usage Limitations: The free plan is limited to non-commercial use and allows up to two tasks simultaneously.

Paid Plans

Suno offers several paid plans to meet different user needs:

  1. Pro Plan
    • Cost: $10 per month (or $8 per month for an annual subscription).
    • Credits: 2,500 credits per month, enough to generate 500 songs.
    • Usage Rights: Commercial use is allowed, and up to 10 tasks can be processed at once.
  2. Premier Plan
    • Cost: $30 per month (or $24 per month for an annual subscription).
    • Credits: 10,000 credits per month, allowing for the creation of 2,000 songs.
    • Usage Rights: Commercial use is allowed, and up to 10 tasks can be processed simultaneously.

Application Scenarios

  1. Music Creation
    • Personal Music Creation: Whether for hobbyists or professional musicians, Suno AI helps users quickly generate high-quality songs. By inputting simple text descriptions, users can produce complete tracks with melody, lyrics, and arrangement.
    • Lyric Writing: Suno AI offers a dedicated lyric generation tool, where users input a theme, and the AI generates related lyrics, helping creators quickly form a framework for their songs.
  2. Voice Synthesis
    • Voiceovers and Narration: Suno AI can generate natural, smooth speech suitable for various voice synthesis and narration scenarios such as audiobooks, video commentary, and virtual assistants.
  3. Video Production
    • Music Video Creation: Through the SunoMV tool, users can generate music videos with synchronized lyrics and customizable visual effects, perfect for music releases, social media sharing, and video production.
  4. Education and Training
    • Music Education: Suno AI can be used as an educational aid in music instruction, helping students understand musical structure and composition techniques. Teachers can use Suno AI to generate sample music for classroom demonstrations.
  5. Commercial Use
    • Advertising and Marketing: Businesses can use Suno AI to generate background music and jingles for commercials, enhancing brand promotion. Paid users can utilize the generated music for commercial purposes, fulfilling various marketing needs.
    • Game and App Development: Developers can use Suno AI to create background music and sound effects for games and apps, enhancing the user experience.
  6. Inspiration Boost
    • Creative Inspiration: Suno AI can provide creators with new ideas and inspiration, helping them overcome creative blocks. By generating music in different styles and moods, creators can explore more possibilities in their projects.