


1. 无广告搜索

2. 多种搜索模式

3. 语义理解和多轮对话

4. 自动生成大纲和思维导图

5. 学术搜索

6. 辅助信息梳理

7. 历史搜索记录

8. 多语言支持


1. 基础版

  • 免费使用:基础版对用户完全免费,用户可以享受到标准的搜索服务,包括关键词搜索和即时结果返回等功能。

2. 高级版

  • 收费服务:高级版提供了更多的高级功能,如生成思维导图、大纲和PPT等,这些功能需要订阅,月费为20美元。


1. 教育和学习

  • 学生和教师:学生可以利用秘塔AI搜索快速找到学习资料和研究论文,教师可以用它来准备教学材料和课件。
  • 学术研究:秘塔AI搜索的学术模式能够聚焦于期刊和论文,提供权威的学术资源,帮助科研人员进行文献综述和研究。

2. 工作和职业

  • 信息整合:适用于需要大量信息整合的职业,如市场分析、金融研究、法律咨询等。用户可以快速获取相关信息,并生成大纲和思维导图,提升工作效率。
  • 内容创作:自媒体、内容创作者和记者可以利用秘塔AI搜索快速找到相关素材,进行内容创作和编辑。

3. 日常生活

  • 问题解决:用户可以通过秘塔AI搜索解决日常生活中的各种问题,如健康咨询、旅游攻略、购物建议等。
  • 兴趣爱好:对于有特定兴趣爱好的用户,如电影爱好者、书评达人,秘塔AI搜索可以提供相关的音视频内容检索和总结。

4. 企业应用

  • 内部信息管理:企业可以利用秘塔AI搜索进行内部信息的搜索和管理,提高信息获取的效率和准确性。
  • 市场调研:企业可以通过秘塔AI搜索进行市场调研,获取竞争对手信息、行业动态和消费者反馈。

5. 垂直领域

  • 医疗健康:在医疗领域,秘塔AI搜索可以帮助医生和研究人员快速找到最新的医学研究和临床试验数据。
  • 法律服务:律师和法律顾问可以利用秘塔AI搜索查找法律条文、案例分析和法律文献,提升法律服务的质量和效率。


Mita AI Search is a next-generation intelligent search engine launched by Mita Technology in early 2024. It is powered by large-scale model technology and aims to provide high-quality, ad-free search results by deeply understanding users’ search intents.

Key Features

  1. Ad-Free Search
    • Mita AI Search offers ad-free search results, allowing users to access the information they need directly without the distraction of advertisements.
  2. Multiple Search Modes
    • Users can choose from various search modes, including simple mode, in-depth mode, and research mode, to meet their needs in different search scenarios.
  3. Semantic Understanding and Multi-Turn Conversations
    • With advanced semantic understanding capabilities, Mita AI Search supports multi-turn conversational searches, accurately interpreting users’ search intents and providing relevant answers.
  4. Automatic Outline and Mind Map Generation
    • Search results are automatically organized into outlines and mind maps, helping users better understand and retain the information.
  5. Academic Search
    • Mita AI Search offers a specialized academic search mode that focuses on professional journals and papers, providing abstract previews and standardized reference exports, making it ideal for researchers and students.
  6. Assisted Information Structuring
    • It integrates related events, timelines, and people or organizations into table formats to enhance users’ comprehension of search topics.
  7. Search History
    • The search history feature allows users to easily review and manage previous search results, preventing the loss of valuable information.
  8. Multilingual Support
    • Mita AI Search supports multiple languages, providing accurate translations and localized search results for a broader user base.

Service Versions

  1. Basic Version
    • Free to use: The basic version is completely free, allowing users to enjoy standard search services, including keyword search and instant result retrieval.
  2. Premium Version
    • Paid service: The premium version offers additional advanced features such as mind map generation, outlines, and PPT creation. These features require a subscription at a monthly fee of $20.

Use Cases

  1. Education and Learning
    • Students and Teachers: Students can use Mita AI Search to quickly find study materials and research papers, while teachers can use it to prepare teaching materials and lesson plans.
    • Academic Research: The academic mode focuses on journals and papers, offering authoritative academic resources that help researchers conduct literature reviews and studies.
  2. Work and Career
    • Information Integration: Suitable for professions requiring extensive information synthesis, such as market analysis, financial research, and legal consulting. Users can quickly gather relevant information and generate outlines and mind maps to improve work efficiency.
    • Content Creation: Media professionals, content creators, and journalists can use Mita AI Search to quickly find relevant materials for content creation and editing.
  3. Daily Life
    • Problem Solving: Users can solve everyday problems through Mita AI Search, such as health consultations, travel tips, and shopping recommendations.
    • Hobbies and Interests: For users with specific interests, such as movie enthusiasts or book reviewers, Mita AI Search can provide relevant audio and video content searches and summaries.
  4. Enterprise Applications
    • Internal Information Management: Enterprises can use Mita AI Search for internal information search and management, improving the efficiency and accuracy of information retrieval.
    • Market Research: Companies can leverage Mita AI Search for market research, obtaining competitor information, industry trends, and customer feedback.
  5. Vertical Industries
    • Healthcare: In the healthcare field, Mita AI Search helps doctors and researchers quickly find the latest medical studies and clinical trial data.
    • Legal Services: Lawyers and legal consultants can use Mita AI Search to locate legal texts, case analyses, and legal literature, enhancing the quality and efficiency of legal services.

Mita AI Search is powered by its proprietary large model, MetaLLM, a core technology that remains confidential and is not open to the public.
