



  • 文本生成视频:用户输入一段文字描述,可灵大模型根据文本生成5秒或10秒的视频内容。
  • 提示词控制:支持正向提示词、反向提示词、运镜控制和时长选择(5秒或10秒)。
  • 多种画幅比例:支持16:9、9:16和1:1三种画幅比例,满足不同的视频创作需求。


  • 图像生成视频:将静态图像转化为生动的视频,初始版本支持生成5秒的视频。
  • 多样化运动效果:根据不同的文本输入生成多种运动效果,丰富视觉创意。


  • 一键续写:在已生成的视频基础上延续生成约4-5秒的内容,通过多次续写,视频长度可延长至3分钟。


  • 高性能模式:生成速度更快,适合快速预览和初步创作。
  • 高表现模式:画面质量更佳,适合最终输出和高质量需求。


  • 镜头控制:用户可以自定义镜头运动轨迹,增强视频的动态效果。


  • 自定义首尾帧:用户可以设置视频的首尾帧,确保视频的连贯性和完整性。



  • 每日免费点数:用户每天可以领取66点免费点数,这些点数大约可以生成六个5秒的视频。


  • 会员服务:可灵提供多种会员订阅计划,用户可以选择按月或按年订阅。会员服务包括高表现视频生成、视频延长和大师运镜等功能。
  • 限时优惠:可灵曾推出限时五折优惠活动,单月最低价为33元。


  • 连续包月:首月最低价为19元,之后每月的费用会有所增加。
  • 年费计划:年费计划的具体价格和优惠活动会根据官方公告进行调整。



  • 视频广告:可灵可以快速生成高质量的视频广告,帮助品牌吸引目标受众,提升广告效果和转化率。
  • 宣传片制作:企业可以利用可灵制作产品宣传片、公司介绍视频等,增强品牌形象。


  • 教学视频:可灵可以生成生动的教学视频,帮助学生更好地理解复杂概念,提升学习效果。
  • 培训视频:企业可以利用可灵制作员工培训视频,模拟真实场景,提高培训效率。


  • 短片与动画:创作者可以利用可灵生成短片、动画和音乐视频,丰富内容创作形式,吸引观众。
  • 社交媒体内容:可灵可以生成适合Instagram、TikTok和YouTube等平台的动态视频,提升社交媒体影响力。


  • 虚拟现实视频:可灵生成的高质量视频可以用于虚拟现实环境,增强用户的沉浸体验。
  • 游戏动画:游戏开发者可以利用可灵生成逼真的游戏动画和场景,提升游戏的视觉效果。


  • 分镜制作:可灵可以帮助电影和短剧制作团队快速生成分镜视频,提升制作效率。
  • 特效视频:可灵生成的高质量视频可以用于电影特效制作,增强影片的视觉冲击力。


  • 产品展示视频:电商平台和商家可以利用可灵生成产品展示视频,提升产品的吸引力和销售转化率。
  • 互动视频:可灵生成的互动视频可以用于电商平台的促销活动,增强用户参与感。


  • 企业宣传:企业可以利用可灵制作内部宣传视频,增强员工对企业文化和价值观的认同。
  • 项目汇报:可灵可以帮助企业生成项目汇报视频,提升汇报效果和效率。


Kling is a video generation model developed in-house by the Kuaishou team, featuring powerful video generation and editing capabilities.

Main Features

  1. Text-to-Video
    • Text-based Video Generation: Users can input a text description, and the Kling model will generate 5-second or 10-second video content based on the text.
    • Prompt Control: Supports positive prompts, negative prompts, camera movement control, and duration selection (5 or 10 seconds).
    • Multiple Aspect Ratios: Supports 16:9, 9:16, and 1:1 aspect ratios to meet different video creation needs.
  2. Image-to-Video
    • Image-Based Video Generation: Converts static images into dynamic videos, with the initial version supporting 5-second video generation.
    • Diverse Motion Effects: Generates various motion effects based on different text inputs to enrich visual creativity.
  3. Video Continuation
    • One-Click Continuation: Extends an already generated video by 4-5 seconds. With multiple extensions, the video length can reach up to 3 minutes.
  4. Performance and Quality Modes
    • High-Performance Mode: Faster generation speed, suitable for quick previews and initial creations.
    • High-Quality Mode: Provides superior image quality, suitable for final outputs and high-quality needs.
  5. Camera Movement Control
    • Custom Camera Motion: Users can customize camera movement trajectories to enhance dynamic effects in the video.
  6. First and Last Frame Control
    • Custom First and Last Frames: Users can set the first and last frames of a video to ensure continuity and completeness.

Pricing Models

  1. Free Plan
    • Daily Free Points: Users can claim 66 free points daily, which can generate approximately six 5-second videos.
  2. Paid Plans
    • Membership Services: Kling offers various subscription plans, allowing users to subscribe monthly or annually. Membership benefits include high-quality video generation, extended video creation, and advanced camera movements.
    • Limited-Time Discounts: Kling has offered 50% off promotional events, with the lowest monthly price starting at ¥33.
  3. Specific Pricing
    • Continuous Monthly Subscription: The first month starts as low as ¥19, with subsequent monthly prices increasing.
    • Annual Plans: Prices and discount promotions for the annual plan are subject to official announcements.

Application Scenarios

  1. Marketing and Advertising
    • Video Ads: Kling can quickly generate high-quality video ads, helping brands capture their target audience and enhance ad effectiveness and conversion rates.
    • Promotional Videos: Businesses can use Kling to create product promo videos, company introduction videos, and more to enhance brand image.
  2. Education and Training
    • Teaching Videos: Kling can generate engaging educational videos, helping students better understand complex concepts and improve learning outcomes.
    • Training Videos: Businesses can use Kling to create employee training videos, simulating real-life scenarios to improve training efficiency.
  3. Entertainment Content Creation
    • Short Films and Animations: Creators can use Kling to generate short films, animations, and music videos, expanding creative forms and engaging audiences.
    • Social Media Content: Kling can generate dynamic videos suitable for platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube, enhancing social media influence.
  4. Virtual Reality and Gaming
    • Virtual Reality Videos: The high-quality videos generated by Kling can be used in virtual reality environments, enhancing user immersion.
    • Game Animations: Game developers can use Kling to generate realistic game animations and scenes, improving the game’s visual effects.
  5. Movies and Short Films
    • Storyboarding: Kling can help film and short film production teams quickly generate storyboard videos, improving production efficiency.
    • Special Effects Videos: The high-quality videos generated by Kling can be used for special effects in movies, enhancing the film’s visual impact.
  6. E-commerce and Product Showcases
    • Product Showcase Videos: E-commerce platforms and sellers can use Kling to generate product showcase videos, increasing product appeal and sales conversions.
    • Interactive Videos: Interactive videos generated by Kling can be used in promotional activities on e-commerce platforms, enhancing user engagement.
  7. Internal Corporate Communication
    • Corporate Promotion: Businesses can use Kling to create internal promotional videos, strengthening employee alignment with corporate culture and values.
    • Project Reports: Kling can help companies generate project report videos, improving reporting effectiveness and efficiency.

Kling remains a closed-source platform. While it offers a wide range of functions and high-quality video generation capabilities, its core technology and models are not open-sourced.
